Earn Dollars working REMOTE JOBS from Nigeria or anywhere else in the world
Our premium subscription service delivers targeted remote job opportunities directly to your inbox, saving you time and effort.
We curate a personalized feed of jobs that perfectly match your skills, experience, and preferences. The remote jobs are paid for and sourced from Legit; Verified sources
Key Benefits
No more endless scrolling through job boards.
Receive only the most relevant remote job opportunities.
Tailor your job preferences to get the best results.
Expert Support
Our team is always ready to assist you with your job
How It Works:
Within that month of subscription, you will receive regular
- Remote jobs listings of your choice
- One off Strategic CV/Resume build/revamp/optimization (Base Profile
Preparation; Resume Preparation; Cover Letter Preparation)
USD 10.00; CAD 15.00; GBP 8.00; NGN 16,500.00 or its equivalent in your currency